CZECH  ENGLISH Česká Händelova společnost / The Czech Handel Society
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‘Vertical Voices’
13.06.2024 Kačina
14.06.2024 Jičín
‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’
Second Edition
Jubilee Publication
‘ČHäS 1990–2020’
A Bust of Handel
by Sculptor Petr Novák
WebArchiv - Archive of the Czech Web

Marek Hofman: 'Hercules'

A bibliophile volume by the Czech graphic artist Marek Hofman (b. 1981) on motifs from George Frideric Handel's oratorio 'Hercules'.
The book contains 11 colour woodcuts measuring 22.5 × 16.0 cm, and an abridged version of the original libretto laid out by the author (title-page & 11 text pages).
The text was printed by offset, the woodcuts were made directly from wooden blocks.
The size of the book: 31.0 × 22.5 cm.
Self-published by the author in 2006 in 50 numbered bound copies.

Price per copy: 250 EUR.

The title can be ordered at



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